Checking your moles is extremely important.  

Even though I specialise is aesthetics and injectables most of the time, I also have many years of Dermatology experience and will always encourage you to check your moles regularly.

I have seen 100’s maybe thousands and different skin cancers, a lot of which are easy to treat if they’re caught early.  But, unfortunately the Melanoma is not as easy to treat and can be fatal.

So, here is a reminder of how to check your moles – what to look out for.

If you see any of these signs get to your GP or Dermatology specialist to get checked out.

A – B – C – D – E

A is for Asymmetry.  Most melanomas are asymmetrical. If you draw a line through the middle of the lesion, the two halves don’t match.

B is for Border.  Melanoma borders tend to be uneven and may have irregular edges.

C is for Colour.  Multiple colors are a warning sign.

D is for Diameter or Dark.  While it’s ideal to detect a melanoma when it is small, it’s a warning sign if a lesion is the size of a pencil eraser (about 6 mm, or ¼ inch in diameter) or larger.

E is for Evolving.  Changing / bleeding / itching

If you notice any of these warning signs, or anything NEW, CHANGING or UNUSUAL on your skin see a dermatologist promptly.

The Ugly Duckling is another warning sign of melanoma – that lesion that stands out and looks different to all the others.

Alot of us can’t see our backs, which makes it difficult to check that area, but most of us do have camera phones – Get someone to take a clear photo of your back every 3 months and compare the images.  And/or if you can feel something new on your back – take a picture then too, often these things resolve by themselves, but sometimes they don’t.

I couldn’t write this post without reminding you to wear a broad-spectrum SPF every day,  All year round.  It is proven to minimise your risk of developing skin cancer – Find one you like and use it every day.  To see the ones I use and recommend, have a look here.