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Why I’m Banning the Term ‘Anti-ageing’

It might seem strange for me, The Skin Nurse to take a stand against anti-ageing. I mean, isn’t that why people come to me? However, I’m not banning the idea of it, just the negativity surrounding it.

Firstly, let’s just remember that ageing is not a choice.

It’s something that were all going through, from the moment we were born. If nothing else, it’s the one thing that every person, or living thing, has in common. So, when you think about it, does it make sense to be ‘anti’ something we have no control over?

What’s more, there are actually many good things that come with getting older. This includes, but isn’t limited to, stronger, longer lasting friendships; a wealth of experience; and wisdom.

Where Did the Term ‘Anti-ageing’ Come From?

Despite the fact that it seems like it’s been a natural part of our vocabulary for forever, it’s actually only been around since the 80’s. Unsurprisingly, it was first used as a marketing ploy to sell skincare products to ‘older’ women.  Sure, at different ages we need different approaches to our skincare but that’s just fact.

It’s not necessary to demonise our age in the process.

We know this marketing approach was successful, as the term has clearly stuck. However, I believe it’s had a negative impact on how we all feel about ourselves as we grow older. This, when coupled with the constant bombardment of unrealistic images of celebrities, who never seem to show signs of ageing (or start looking very odd), has left us believing that we look worse than we do. And also, that we’re ageing too fast!

Whilst I totally get all the anti-bullying, anti-smoking, anti-fur, etc campaigns, these come with a personal choice. But, Anti-ageing?  When we start to look at it this way it seems ridiculous, doesn’t it?

We’re all Ageing and We Can’t Do Anything to Stop It.

Ageing is not a negative experience, it’s not a medical condition, and it’s totally normal.

I really wish we could all embrace our age and not feel bad about it. However, I understand it’s not easy because it’s been drummed into us that with age comes ugliness and unattractiveness.

But, is that really true?

Not that I need to prove my point but I can think of many gorgeous well-known women who are deemed ‘mature’ (all over 50 in these examples) and are super attractive and confident. This includes Tess Daly, J-Lo, Halle Berry, Courtney Cox, Sharon Stone, Elizabeth Hurley, Jennifer Anniston, Sandra Bullock, Nigella Lawson, and Nicole Kidman.

I mean, Helen Mirren is in her 70’s and is gorgeous!

[You could do with an image of one of these ladies, along with a caption]

Now, I don’t doubt that many of these women have had little tweaks here and there to maintain their looks.  But they haven’t fundamentally changed the way they actually look. They’ve just practised a lot of self-care, regardless of what form it took, and are challenging the notion of what it means to be a woman of a certain age.

I firmly believe that when you refuse to accept the idea that ageing means a loss of beauty, you’ll find ways to take better care of yourself. Then, it will have lost a lot of its negative connotations.

Society and The Media Have Managed to Make Us All Feel Bad for Ageing.  WTAF?

I can’t stand the fact that my own Mum gets upset about her age, when all I, or anyone else who knows her, sees is a strong, beautiful woman. I couldn’t care less about her age (aside from the fact that I want her to care for herself better).

Why is ageing seen as negative? I don’t want it to be!  I want us to all celebrate birthdays, instead of dreading upcoming milestones and special dates.

I want to be proud of my age, don’t you?  Easy to say, I know.  We’re only human and we are all impacted by our surroundings and are bombarded with ridiculous, unrealistic imagery of how we should be and look.  It’s up to us to remember that this is garbage. No one gets to have power over how we feel about ourselves, but us.

But, to change the way we think about ageing, we have to start by changing the language we use.

So, From Here On In, I’m Not Using the Term Anti-ageing.

…which is gonna be tricky in my work I reckon, but I’ll try my best.  Are you with me?

It’s true that saying ‘age ain’t nothing but a number’.  Our age shouldn’t define us and we shouldn’t feel bad for not being in our 20’s anymore.  Plus, when you think about it, in this day and age, with the pressures and expectations created by social media, those in their 20’s don’t have it especially easy either.  Then, they’re still going to get older and are dealing with that. The fortunate ones at least.

We’re all ageing and we can’t stop it, so why are we trying to fight it?  It’s all about looking and feeling our absolute best, whatever age we are!

So, why am I banning the term anti-ageing?  Because it’s BS! Dontcha’ think?

Lou, The Skin Nurse x


Why am I banning the term anti-ageing? Allow my latest post to explain:

Have you ever stopped to think where the term ‘Anti-ageing’ came from? Find out in my newest post.


Why am I banning the term anti-ageing?

So, when you think about it, does it sense to be ‘anti’ something we have no control over?


“…ageing is not a choice.  It’s something that we’ve all been going through it, from the moment we were born.”

“We’re all getting older and we can’t do anything to stop it.”