Ever had a breakout appear just before a first date or a big work presentation?  Ever feel like you’re flushing red more easily than usual?

Well, it could be your skin telling you you’re stressed! stressimagelady

When we’re stressed or feeling vulnerable our bodies respond by releasing a surge of the hormone Cortisol into our blood stream, which then rushes around our body causing havoc.

Stress can have negative effects on skin issues you may already have, such as psoriasis or rocacea and it increases your risk of skin infections like cold sores.

Cortisol tells your sebaceous (sweat) glands to produce more oil which can make you breakout more easily.

Cortisol is also so powerful that it can interrupt part of your immune system, making you more susceptible to cold and flu-like symptoms, but Cortisol also revs up another part of your immunity by increasing your vulnerability to allergens…more sensitivity anyone?

So, very basically when you are stressed the proper function of your skin is compromised – leading to breakouts, redness, dry patches, itchiness…the list is endless because everyone reacts differently to stress.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that living a stressful life increases our chances of getting skin cancer in later years, and stress has been proven to help cancer spread more quickly.  But there is some good news!  The very fact that we know how stress affects us is good because we can do things to prevent it or at least reduce it.

I know for a lot of us (including myself!) lowering our stress levels is easier said than done, but here are eight tips to help you begin to lead a stress-free life:

1 – Ensure you get a good 7-8 hours sleep each night & try to go to bed and rise at similar times each day.

2 – Try practicing some stress management techniques each daily; Meditation, mindfulness, yoga or deep breathing.

3 – Try to eat a healthy colorful diet rich in whole foods and vegetables; to ensure you are taking on the right fuel and nutrients for your body to function at its best.

4 – Exercise regularly; not only does sweating rid the body of toxins but getting your blood moving has many health benefits. Exercise is also well known to lift our mood and I truly believe it can make us all more productive and positive.

5 – Look after your skin even when you are short of time or tired – keep up your skincare routine, especially your cleansing (remove your make-up before bed!) and protection (wear your antioxidant and SPF every day-whatever the weather).

6 – Take time out just for you – read a book, go for a walk, take a nice bath, sometimes just 10 minutes of fresh air can clear your head and make you feel better.

7 – Write a to-do list then prioritize what is most important/pressing, tick these off as you complete them (very satisfying) then tackle more tomorrow.

8 – Learn to say ‘NO’.  Set boundaries and limits in all areas of your life.

9 – I know I said 8, but lastly – wear a topical Antioxidant on your skin which will help the immunity and function of your skin.  A total game changer for skin health.  Get in touch with me to find out more, I would love to help you.

Best Wishes, TSN.